Missing Presenter Forms: Action Needed

4/25/2022 3:32:17 PM ET   Formula SAE Michigan - May

The following teams still have not submitted their presenter form for Formula SAE Michigan - May Business Presentations.

If your team is listed below...

  1. Download and complete the presenter form.
  2. Email to [email protected] ASAP.

Your team is currently at risk for missing your presentation due to this missing piece of info, and therefore are at risk for removal from the competition.

51 - Univ of British Columbia
92 - Univ of Michigan - Dearborn
96 - Univ of Alabama - Tuscaloosa
97 - Oakland University
99 - Alabama A & M Univ
106 - Univ of Waterloo
118 - Lakehead Univ
121 - Univ of Delaware
123 - Howard Community College
127 - Vanderbilt Univ
128 - Ferris State University
130 - Clemson Univ
143 - Florida A&M Univ/Florida State Univ
148 - North Dakota State Univ
152 - Syracuse Univ