2024 Monocoque SES v1.2 Released

11/13/2023 1:51:16 PM ET   Formula SAE Series

Formula SAE has released a Monocoque SES v1.2 Only.

Very few designs affected, see below.

  • OK to check your own math for equivalence and submit older version.
  • We will fix the formulas after submission.

Front Bulkhead With Opening And Composite Diagonal

  • Diagonal deflection equivalence corrected to <1.

Composite Accumulator Container

  • Core reference repaired.

Composite Test Fiber Mass Estimator

  • Core adhesive changed from density (g/mm^3) to areal mass (g/mm^2) to account for different thicknesses.
  • Enter areal mass = density (g/mm^3) thickness (mm).*

Please report any errors in the SES formulas here.