Formula SAE Rules 2022 Version 2.0 Released

11/19/2021 5:17:20 PM ET   Formula SAE Series

The Formula SAE Rules 2022 have been revised. Version 2.0 is now available for download in the Series Resources section of the FSAE Online website.

Changes are made to fix minor issues and reduce confusion.

Selected items include:

  • Clarify requirements for mounting of Impact Attenuators
  • Clarify the Vehicle Controls
  • Accumulator Container and Firewall spacing
    • We are looking for the Accumulator Container and Firewall to be two different components. This may become a rule after the 2022 Formula SAE events.
  • Separated adjustments to fit different drivers into a separate step, the permitted adjustments do not change
  • Revised formatting of several steps, and other minor changes

It continues to be your responsibility to review and comply with the most current rules version as published. Submit Rules Questions if you need to.
We recommend you DELETE all previous versions of the Formula SAE Rules to prevent confusion.