Tesla 2024 Battery Sponsorship

9/19/2023 12:01:53 PM ET   Formula SAE Series

As a part of our mission to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy, Tesla will be supporting student teams aspiring to build electric vehicles as part of Formula SAE and Formula Student competitions around the world.

For 2024 competitions, Tesla is offering two independent sponsorship programs – one for battery cells and one for BMS hardware. Teams may apply to one or both programs.

Teams can apply online HERE by September 27, 2023, and will need to provide a 1-page design brief. Tesla will review proposals and select top teams to receive their choice of sponsorship option. Tesla will also offer sponsored teams the opportunity to review their designs with some of the world’s leading electric powertrain engineers and will provide guidance through the design and validation process.

We look forward to reviewing your concept!

2024 BMS Hardware Sponsorship Program
Teams may apply for sponsorship among one of the following options free of cost.
A) ADI Package
• ADBMS6830 16-Channel Multicell Battery Monitor IC (QTY 30) and demo board (QTY 1).
• ADBMS2950 Battery Pack Monitor IC (QTY 5) and demo board (QTY 1)
• ADBMS6822 Single/Dual isoSPI Transceiver IC (QTY 5) and demo board (QTY 1)
• Access to supporting documentation, examples, and technical support.
B) TI Package
• BQ79616-Q1 16S Precision Battery Monitor IC (QTY 33) and demo board (QTY 2)
• BQ79600-Q1 SPI/UART Communication IC (QTY 2)
• Access to supporting documentation, examples, and technical support.

BMS Hardware Sponsorship Policies & Eligibility:

  1. Sponsorship Timeline
    a. Applications close on September 27th , 2023 at 11:59:59 PM, PDT (UTC-7). Applications are final and there are no guarantees to accommodate change requests.
    b. Teams will be notified on October 2, 2023 if they have been awarded a sponsorship.
    c. All teams selected to receive a BMS hardware sponsorship will receive further communication to provide confirmation of shipping information. Tesla will work with our partners to distribute hardware as soon as possible.
  2. Intent to Compete
    a. Interested teams must be planning to register and attend for at least one student formula engineering competition in 2024 with an electric vehicle class, including but not limited to Formula SAE Michigan (June 2024) and Formula Student Germany (August 2024).
  3. Contact Info & Additional Information
    a. The dedicated inbox at [email protected] is your best resource for all inquiries related to the sponsorship. This inbox is checked regularly and will be responded to promptly.
    b. All teams selected to receive a BMS hardware sponsorship will receive further instructions for access to documentation and technical support.

2024 Battery Cell Sponsorship Program
Teams may apply for sponsorship among one of the following options free of cost.
A) 4.5Ah P45B 2170 cylindrical cells from Molicel (QTY 600)
B) 13 Ah 95B0D0HD pouch cells from COSMX (QTY 196)
C) 20 Ah 82D6J7 pouch cells from COSMX (QTY 144)
D) Enepaq battery modules – $5000 USD discount on an order of $6000 USD or more.
Tesla will cover freight shipping costs for options A, B, and C. Customs or import fees on final delivery are the responsibility of the receiving team if applicable.

Battery Cell Sponsorship Policies & Eligibility:

  1. Sponsorship Timeline
    a. Applications close on September 27th, 2023 at 11:59:59 PM, PDT (UTC-7). Applications are final and there are no guarantees to accommodate change requests.
    b. Teams will be notified on October 2, 2023 if they have been awarded a sponsorship.
    c. All teams that selected an Enepaq discount will be provided with a discount code in October. After receiving the code, teams are responsible for correspondence with Enepaq to complete their order.
    d. All teams that selected loose cells (pouch or 2170 cell options) will receive further communication to sign a liability release waiver and provide confirmation of shipping information before receiving sponsored cells. Failure to submit this information blocks shipment of cells. Tesla will aim to distribute cells with targeted delivery by December 2023.
  2. Regionality
    a. Loose cells (pouch or 2170 cell options) are only available to teams located within US, Canada, Mexico, and the European Union.
  3. Intent to Compete
    a. Interested teams must be planning to register and attend for at least one Formula SAE or Formula Student engineering competition in 2024 with an electric vehicle class, including but not limited to Formula SAE Michigan (June 2024) and Formula Student Germany (August 2024).
  4. Prior Sponsorships
    a. Teams may only hold one active cell sponsorship at a time and are ineligible for new sponsorships until prior sponsorships conclude.
    b. Sponsorships are “active” when the cells or Enepaq discount codes are received by a student team.
    c. Sponsorships are “concluded” when the cells or Enepaq modules are used in competition as verified by registration and ESF submissions.
    d. All Enepaq discount codes provided in prior sponsorship programs expire on December 31st, 2023. If a team has not placed an order and finalized payment terms with Enepaq by this deadline, the discount is then invalid and the sponsorship is concluded.
    e. If a team is classified ineligible for the 2024 program per the criteria above, they may appeal with justification to become eligible via the application form.
    f. Teams may request with justification via the application form to cancel unused Enepaq discount codes to conclude a prior sponsorship. This does not guarantee selection for a 2024 sponsorship and is not reversible.
    g. Examples:
    i. Team A received 1865 cells in the 2023 sponsorship program. They built the cells into a battery pack and competed in FSAE Michigan in 2023. Team A is eligible for the 2024 sponsorship program.
    ii. Team B received an Enepaq discount in the 2023 sponsorship program. They placed an order, received the modules, built them into a battery pack, and competed at FSG in 2023. Team B is eligible for the 2024 sponsorship program.
    iii. Team C received 2170 cells in the 2023 sponsorship program. They competed at FSAE Michigan in 2023, but did not use the sponsored cells in their battery pack.
    Team C is not eligible for the 2024 sponsorship program.
    iv. Team D received the Enepaq discount in the 2022 sponsorship program but have not yet placed an order with Enepaq. Team D is not eligible for the 2024 sponsorship program.
  5. Contact Info & Additional Information
    a. The dedicated inbox at [email protected] is your best resource for all inquiries related to the sponsorship. This inbox is checked regularly and will be responded to promptly.
    b. Please respect our partners, COSMX and Molicel, and refrain from contacting them directly. The datasheets provided contain all technical information available to student teams.

This announcement and battery cell data sheets can be found online Series Resources under Other SAE Opportunities