Important Tesla EV Workshop Updates

9/8/2022 4:51:43 PM ET   Formula SAE Series

Please review important information for attendees of the Tesla EV Workshop. Survey and document submission deadlines have been extended and will now be due on Tuesday, September 13th at 11:59 PM ET.

Document Submissions

NDA and Travel Stipend document submissions must be submitted through If you do not already have an account and need to submit your team’s documents, more information can be found at:

If you already have an account on, but are unable to submit your team’s documents, you may need to ‘Add an Affiliation’ for the Tesla EV Workshop event. Affiliations can be added at

Please select the ‘Team Captain/Team Advisor’ option. You will need to input your invoice/reg order number, school and team name (select the EV team option). Once affiliated, return to the main activity menu and select ‘My Team's Report & Document Submissions’. From there, you should be able to submit your team’s NDA and Travel Stipend request.

Event Surveys

Each attending EV Workshop team member/advisor must complete an event survey. If you have not already done so, please access the survey at the following link:

Touring Information

All spots from the Tesla tours have been filled. We will be reaching out to the students who were selected on a first come, first served basis. Those students will receive more information on their touring times.

Fall Kick-Off Review Session

We will be holding an EV Workshop review session during SAE University Programs Fall Kick-Off on Monday, September 12th, 2022 at 9 AM ET. Please attend to ask any additional questions on EV Workshop document submissions, affiliations, and survey information. Sign up at