Business Presentation 'Presenter Form'

4/10/2023 10:14:37 AM ET   Formula SAE Series

Attention: Formula SAE teams!

Virtual presentations are right around the corner - happening on April 27th 2023 (IC) & May 11th 2023 (EV). While the presentation schedule has not been posted yet, we will be sharing very soon so that your team is aware of your specific presentation date and time.

With only a few weeks before the start of the presentations, we need your help on a few things to ensure that the presentations go as smoothly as possible. Please note the action item below.

Action Needed: Complete AND upload the PDF 'Formula SAE' - Presenter Form' by April 14th

Please upload the 'Presenter Form' in the document submission area of no later than 11:59:59 PM ET on Friday, April 14th.

Additional Notes

  • 'Presenter Form' Template: The template (titled 'Presenter Form') can be found on Series Resources within the *'Business Presentation Event Resources' folder. Please complete this ASAP. We will be pulling the submissions the following day, April 17th and inputting your presenters into the system. Please try your best to NOT make any changes after you have submitted.

  • Presentation Recording: Please be aware that we will be recording your presentations - that said, please ONLY include individuals on the presenter form that will actually be presenting. You can share your video recording post presentation with your faculty advisor, teammates that weren't presenters, etc.

  • Questions? Concerns?
    If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to us at [email protected].