Online Vehicle Cost Report Notice

4/5/2023 10:55:07 AM ET   Formula SAE Series

This notice is being pushed for competing teams of both Formula SAE and Formula SAE Electric to raise awareness on an issue the cost judges are seeing with early submissions regarding obsolete components.

Teams generating their 2023 Online Vehicle Cost Report and using carryover sections from previous seasons need to compare their reports to the changelog provided in the February 17th news post. This Cost Changelog can also be found online under Series Resources - Cost Event Resources - Reference Documents.

Use of the components marked Obsolete (i.e., only visible due to duplication of an old report and not available for use in the catalogs) will be penalized to the 2023 rules.

Additionally, teams may check cost reports for problems using a built-in feature under the Manage Vehicles page in the cost module. Teams can select the "Export/Print" button of the cost report planned for submission and select "Check Report for Problems" function. You can use this tool to search your cost report for situations that might be problematic like obsolete components or cost pricing updates. Make sure you have ALL 11 boxes checked before running the check; this is the only way to guarantee everything being checked.

Reminder Online Vehicle Cost Report Deadlines:

  • Formula SAE (May) due April 17th
  • Formula SAE Electric (June) due May 15th

Teams who have submitted a cost report already and wish to make a change prior to the scheduled deadline are not able to resubmit directly through the cost module. You will need to contact SAE for assistance on how to proceed. Please email Kaley Zundel at [email protected] directly. Teams who have submitted a cost report already and wish to make a change prior to the scheduled deadline are not able to resubmit directly through the cost module.